Wednesday 4 June 2014

Week 13 progress

After getting feed back, there was a few things that we needed to do that would add for our milestone but also improve the project. One thing our group was missing was a filter for the campaigns that would enable the user to establish which profiles were in fact in which campaign.

I have taken on this role and i will use a GUI slider which will have been set to hide away when a certain campaign is enabled. The slider will have a max campaign of 4 as there are numbered campaigns from 1-4 in the church file. To single out the numbers i will apply another script enabling me to number code each profile accordingly. 

The box selection shown is where i can allocate which campain number the profile is.

I will also be waiting to receive the terrain file which i can join together with the project. Small navigation things in the menu will be added by ben and the GUI skin i will receive from baz which i will add making the window popup with the information a custom skin.

Monday 2 June 2014

Week 13 progress

My task was to join both bens work with the menu and navigation to the church and my church file which had the appropriote allocations of profiles to the database. I unfortunately did not receive a guiskin to have the popup window a custom window as that was not my role in the project. However i have set up scripts so all i need is the modified guiskin attached to have it applied.

Video above is a combination of videos i took whilst working on Unity to show my progress .

Wednesday 28 May 2014

Week 12 progress

I have a aim crosshair as my mouse and it was originally just a basic cross, but i have decided to try implement the style of gothic architecture. I have made a cross hair in relation to a cross from Gothic architecture i found on the internet.

This is the cross i made that will be displayed as the mouse during the game.

Below is part of my UI script receives the information from the database then displays it in the GUI.window. It can be shown 2 ways. Box one shows a string which has information from the database. Box two shows the window being created and then the string being called which intern displays the information from box 1 into a GUI.window. Box 3 is an alternative to box 1 and 2. What box 3 does is create a label where the information gets presented. This allows me to alter which information goes where in the GUI.window. Where as the other one just shows a string of information one ontop of the other. Box 3 will be used once i receive the customized to our style by baz.

Week 12 progress

From now it is basically making the GUI and also the level tidy and appropriation for presentation. Baz has taken my level and church and is now working on a which will make the looks of the window we are using much more clearer and more consistent with our
GUI ben has used for the into and navigation to the level. 

The above image is showing the small aim cross hair i have added. As you can see the image is very generic and will be changed accordingly. The below image shows once the window is open that the mouse is re appeared enabling the user to close the window and continue back in the game.

I have decided to make the curser hidden whilst in the game and having a cross-hair image displayed in the center of the screen which will act as the curser. This basically keeps the "new curser" in the centre at all times instead of having the mouse moving around the screen all the time. When something is clicked Then the mouse reappears enabling the user to be able to close the window that is showing. At this current stage i have the cross hair at a basic image but to keep consistency with the style i will design a new image.

Week 11 progress

I have been given the updated scripts from Stephen which enables me to receive the images from that database and display them in my GUI window. I did have trouble doing this on my own and stephen did help me quite abit with connecting the new codes together.

The Image Above Shows that the image is not available. And by not available it means there is a image there however it does not load a .tif file which for some reason was supplied to us as. Where as below the image is a jpeg and successfully displays. This means either me or someone else has to manually go through and change them all from tif to jpeg. 

Thursday 22 May 2014

Week 11 - REMUNERATION - Critical Thinking

Group One that presented

The Last Suprematist Sculpture

Huxtable, Anders Philip
Nicholson, Joshua Daniel

Thoughts of Presentation/ General Feedback from Markers

Clear Solid information that got presented using great graphs, I felt however that afew things may have been repeated. The video helped explain a few things that show positives towards freelancing. The Program Time Doctor i found interesting for documenting hours worked on projects. They Related to their own work which was great to see as it helped explain why freelancing is a better option is some cases. They compared it to working in a big company and they broke down how they would cost their projects. Invoices were shown and was shown how it works. Contracts were mentioned that they need to be involved however i did not see what things would have been important to have in a contract when free lancing or when working for a big company.

Overall Understanding of Remuneration

 From understanding of their presentation, remuneration is the compensation that one receives from doing work or a type of service to a client. Including wages, salaries or benifits.

Week 10 Progress

Because the shader we are using "toony" creates basic shades it does not give a depth in colour when delivering shading on the church. This effects the detail you see on the church when it comes to outlines of the building and showing th colour change when i hover over certain profiles. I have added lighting inside to help the outline be recognized to allow certain profiles from the inside be seen when hovered over

Issue with shadowing and hovering

Week 10 CONFLICT - Critical Thinking

Group One that presented
Aerial Ropeway in a World Heritage Environment

Chew, Bao Wen 
Taylor, Shaun Kelvin
Yolola, Jesharelah Alayan
Gonzales, Roschelle Anne
Corre, Eugelyn Lor Flores
Bautista, Reina Pineda

Thoughts of Presentation/ General Feedback from Markers

I found that the information they were using was good, they were clear in presenting however some to most slides were relatively hard to read from colour schemes. This effecting the presentation as when i would try to understand them if i was confused i could not relate to the presentation power point because i couldn't read it. Their use of different scenarios of conflict however helped deliver their presentation. The video was great however it was the only time in the presentation that their theme got related back to their work and it was the only point where it cleared up an understanding of their presentation. I would have like to have seen abit more connection with that.

Group Two that presented
The Last Suprematist Sculpture

Kalgovas, Benjamin

Thoughts of Presentation/ General Feedback from Markers

Clear graphs in the presentation helping an understanding of conflicts and different stages of conflicts however apart from that, their presentation was not interesting and abit boring. Perhaps more images to help catch the audiences attention. The video was funny from what i saw and would have been good to see the whole thing on the big screen rather then crowded around the laptop because i didn't catch most of it.

Overall Understanding of Conflict

Conflict consists of team work of two sides that both come to a disagreement in  decision making  group activities or projects. This may result to in-completion of work. In some cases conflicts can also come to a solution. 

Week 9 Progress

I spent some time joining work from both Ben and myself as ben focused his work on the User Interface of the menu before you enter the game. I then managed to add my Scene into his Menu so when you click on the desired location, you enter into the level i was working on. Then from there of course the database will be working correctly to certain profiles.

From this now my role progresses into making sure images are now coming up of the profiles of each object. In order to do this i must extract all the necessary images from the files and put them in the right location, then i will have to change all tiff files to jpeg so the images can be displayed on the window in my ONGUI. Stephen has added some new codes in the JSON scripts which i will need to obtain in order to successfully achieve my role.

Tuesday 6 May 2014

Week 8 - INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY - Critical Thinking

Group One that presented

The Last Supremist Sculpture

Alyssa Raymundo & Vedran Kuljic 

Thoughts of Presentation/ General Feedback from Markers

This group touched on most elements of IP. I think two thinks could have improved with their presentation. One is the depth of information rather than just mentioning most aspects but not looking into the aspect. It is important to not only state the things they are talking about but explanations on each part would have been great to see. They also didn't really show how IP can relate or be applied to their project. Being able to do so, does not only show us they understand it well but also helps us put certain things they spoke about into perspective. 

Group Two that presented

The Creation of Gothic Architecture

Alan Kim, Dorothy Lam, Maki Nagaya, David Le, Ricky Zhao & Stefan Koteski

Thoughts of Presentation/ General Feedback from Markers

This group had a great video incorperationg a scenario where an idea they have may be stolen and what options they have to prevent it. This was great as i immediately understood aspects of what they are talking about. Also the group displayed relevant information on how IP can relate t their project also and what factors of IP are optional. Most other information was relatively good.

Overall Understanding of Intellectual Property

Initially IP for me was just how to protect something. Being as that is there is much more that just a protection on something as many factors may come into play to get full protection from an idea etc.
Using collaborative work, IP is crucial factor in ensuring any work you do is yours and not allowing someone to come and claim property that is not theirs. Known factor is not only saying its your work but being able to prove it with research and history logging of your progression to work you have accomplished. 

Monday 5 May 2014

Week 8 progress

After a few hours working with it i have managed to get my scripts combined enabling me to receive the information from the database and project it into the window popup i was having when you click an object, I still need to overcome the highlight of objects as the textures have changed the way my code works. From bringing two sets of codes together i was able to remove one of the scripts having just one script which got the information from JSON but also had the popup window working as well.

Below are images of the menu working with different information showing each time i click a different object showing the database working.

Sunday 4 May 2014

Week 8 progress

Below is a video i have done in chronolapse of me showing how the Information is being accessed from the database. At this stage i have retrieved the information however i am still working on having the information being displayed on the Window UI instead of in 3d text mesh.

Unity of me testing the data with assigned different objects

Week 8 progress

I have taken on the role of Linking the database to the unity. Stage one is downloading xampp. This will enable  me to access phpmyadmin with the database information. In that info has allocated numbers to different objects of the building with reference numbers. I will need to use that same number in the renaming of my objects in order for the scripts to work. I have received a few scripts from Stephen which will get that information from the database. One small thing i have to do is get the code from ONGUI and reference that code somewhere in Stephens code in order to display the information in my window.

Also because i have received the model with all the textures i will need to go through and add my codes to objects with the information to enable the UI.

I have added the JMO assets for the new toon shading however i am having trouble as there is an error i do not understand and will need Stephen to have a look at it.

Renaming objects to link with the database

LocalHost - database with xampp

Week 8 progress

i have been sent from another team memeber (lauren) the textures she has decided to add to the church. I am Currently applying my scripts i have written to enable the UI to work. One of the scripts will be to hover the mouse on an object which has information, and highlight informing the user that there is info on the object. Second script will be to actually pop up a window inwhich the information will be displayed and also a button within that to close the window getting back into the game.

One problem i have encountered is that the textures on the objects have effected being able to see when it highlights over hover. I may possibly have to re code something in order to achieve this.

Some alterations to the brief have been made and one of those is including the toon shader that we user to a different one. I have emailed Stephen to retrieve these and will hopefully not be too much trouble to put together.

Sunday 27 April 2014

Week 7 progress

Video of me in Unity testing the script i wrote for the window of information to popup once i have clicking on the object i select

Week 7 progress

Now that i have had the hover highlight working for objects, my task was to be able to have a window pop up when selecting a specific object and also be able to close it. I yet to have properly design a layout my main focus was to get the coding working to allow me to be able to get in and out of the window box of information.

Now that i have the code working, i now have the chance to start working on the layout for the UI. Not only that i need to work on getting the game "first person view" to pause whilst the window of information is currently open. 

Tuesday 22 April 2014

Week 6 progress

Being able to understand abit of scripting will definitely help me with my part for my group. My part is to code the UI prompting a box of information to pop up if a certain object (window) is selected and clicked on. Being able to do this will allow the person to find information on specific profiles of the architecture and its historical connection to it.

I think that being able to see what is available on being clicked on instead of aimlessly clicking until information is shown, i have decided to make objects highlight when hovered over allowing the person interacting with the game will be able to notice weather or not that specific profile is available with information about it.

Below is some code i have scripted allowing me to hover over an object and allow it to change colour showing that its highlighted. Keep in mind with the photos that the curser is hidden but will be seen whilst in the game.

Mouse not hovering over test square

Mouse hovering over test square

Mouse not hovering over objects in the church

Mouse hovering over selected windows (both highlighted because they are grouped as same profile)

Week 6 COMMUNICATION - Critical Thinking

Group One that presented

The Last Supremist Sculpture

Andrew Thantrong, Marina Hanna

Thoughts of Presentation/ General Feedback from Markers

 I will firstly mention that the video they presented was very polished as an introduction, however i think they could have been more involved with not only how communication works but more about how they can relate it to their project. Having information they are delivering and showing how they can relate it to their own work definitly shows the audience they have a good understanding of their own topic and gives the audience a better perspective on what has been said.

Group Two that presented

The Bus Stop of the Future. 

Martha Masli, Anthony Chami, Kerre Skarparis, Darren Weinman, Daniel Olivera

Thoughts of Presentation/ General Feedback from Markers

The information that was presented was raw information that is good however its a little hard to understand when its just solid information being presented and not having a kind of understanding behind it. I think delivering a better connection between their topic and the project their working on i think the overall message could have been clearer and their presentation would have been much more solid.

Group 3 (My Group)

The Creation of Gothic Architecture 

Lorrain xiao, Lauren seif, Bassel Wannous, Anthony Constantinidis (me) , Benjamin Hur, Xiaodong Fan

Critical Reflection on our presentation feedback

Over all i believe that we had a strong presentation.  Both tutors saw how we spoke about communications, identifying types and explaining how they relate to our project. Negative feedback was that referencing could have been more easier to connect to and also in a specific area to focus abit more information on that part.

Overall Understanding of Communication

Communication from verbal to non verbal is clearly a high importance to get information from one person to another. With working in collaboration, being able to communicate to each other in any communication way possible is critically important in enabling a group to achieve goals they have set, keeping in mind communication with certain ways such as mobile phones etc have disadvantages and the most reliable communication is face to face verbal communication.

Tuesday 8 April 2014

Week 5 progress

I have drawn a timeline based on what will appear in what order. So me and Ben have decided to incorporate a starting page allowing the user to choose which model they would like to view. Second image is the actual level (church) being loaded and entered having a mini map as a navigation purpose understanding where you are in the building. 

My part is to design the interface which pops up when an object is clicked from the church.
information that will be loaded is essential and they are the following:
                       -Images of profile of object chosen
                       -3D model of chosen object

One thing that i will need to make sure is that once the UI opens with the information, the game you are in pauses and you have the option to exit the information UI in which enables game play.

Basically i am testing the mesh collider for the church model i have imported ensuring that all walls stop the character in unity from walking through the wall. Our material we need to show for the model is more of a cartoony realistic version so i have also applied a material changer script to the church so it goes through the entire model and changing the material to a toony outline. 

Week 5 PLANNING PRESENTATIONS - Critical Thinking

Group One that presented

Aerial Ropeway in a World Heritage Environment 

McMahon, Bethany Louise
Park, Maria Eun Ji
Parto, Daisy Danica
Hoda, Iqra Faria
Nguyen, Yen Nhien
Portokalli, Matthew Louis

Thoughts of Presentation/ General Feedback from Markers

The editing skills in the video presented was fantastic. I think finishing their presentation of with that video was a great way to end their presentation. The information they delivered was good, They went into depth with most things, and by depth i mean they explained each thing to a good understanding for the audience to pick up.

Group Two that presented

The Bus Stop of the Future. 

Lo, Jason How Ying
Alagah, George
Gan, Ruo Qi
Naumovski, Michael
Tang, Kangyi

Thoughts of Presentation/ General Feedback from Markers

I think the planning process for this presentation was very critical and solid with their information. They used fixed budget of spending money and resources needed to complete a project which shows great depth of detail for planning something. The costing things they used were for their own project so in doing so, allowed the audience to get a better understanding of the topic. One thing i have negative is i thought the video was boring. There was no eye catching parts that thought me anything it was just talking into to camera with information they had used almost the same as their presentation.

Understanding of planning and relation to presentations

My understanding of planning is establishing an organized set of tasks to reach certain goals.
I believe that it is critical to apply planning to any tasks so you have a sense of direction, however taking into consideration of delays for some tasks may alter the planning strategy  In this case planning alterations will take place. Planning is basically a process that occurs throughout the entire development period with any tasks. Both Presentations presented a set of organized outline of tasks which they have evenly spread out between the group allowing them to reach goals at deadlines, however one group did not take into consideration of delays and having their final projects by final dates instead of leaving 1-2 weeks for example on revision weeks or in worst case, weeks to work on things that have been delayed. 

Wednesday 19 March 2014

Week 2 progress

Our Team for Arch Gothic have been split up in 2 groups of 3. I have been selected to be apart of the User Inter Face which i feel is a great part of this assignment. It is allowing me to get into great detail with Unity.

Photo of me testing my church models being imported from sketchup and playing around with textures.

The 3 people and i from the GUI section of this assignment have decided to each do a little of their own UI design. Then by next week we shall work together in finding the best ideas from each person making not only the assignment easier but will be able to reach a better interaction for the UI.